Friday, November 30, 2007
Advertising Gone Wild
Its Far Out Advertising

Crazy advertising online. You've got to love it!

Anyways, need this for an extra posting for a new template.

I particularly liked the fact that this template was different and has pizzazz, pizazz, and pizzaz. And yes, there really are three different spellings.

I'll do a little customization and before you know it, I'll be able to use it in my advertising spot today.

Love it!

Some tidbits of marketing information. Have a little fun with your advertising.


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posted by Warholic at 9:52 PM

About Me
Name: Warholic
Home: San Ramon, California, United States
About Me: Jim said: Never settle for mediocrity. Life is about change, new growth, and making a difference in the lives around us. No matter what direction life takes us in our new thinking, always striving to do it to the best of our abilities is key to success. Actions speak louder than words. B2B, B2C, and C2C Internet marketing services, ethical SEO, search engine optimization, online advertising strategies, professional web site customizations, website branding solutions with Professional Web Services, marketing business solutions.
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