Marketing and Advertising Convergence |
Standing Out From The Crowd
The online market place is very unique in the marketing and advertising aspects of the business. Marketing and advertising are on a convergence course. Doing one disciplinary, without an understanding of the other disciplinary could be limiting your bottom line sales. I have said many times that it is getting more difficult to judge whether a web page is first an online marketing concept or a creative advertising force. The reasons for the difficulty in differentiating between advertising and marketing are many because of how the Internet is structured.
The Internet is all about links. In its simplest form, that being a two page web site, or simply two key words linked together from one page to another has in effect created a small internet. By having two pages linked together; this is the foundation to form the simple Net. Now, multiply that by millions or hundreds of millions of websites, each of which may have hundreds, or thousands of pages all linked in a web network, one can quickly see how the Internet was formed. Taking the links one step further, and instead of having a text link, people now have picture links. Wow, what an online advertising concept! In this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words. While the picture is displayed on a website, many times with words written in the graphic, it can cause visual stimulations and drive the emotions of the viewer to cause an action. Thus the online advertising click through was born.
Prior to the Internet, advertising took substantially longer to inspire an action. Many times products would have to be shown repeatedly before a buyer would go to the store in order to purchase it. Now, online advertising takes on a whole new dimension in that it still many times requires repetitive viewing before an ad is clicked on, but it has a major advantage over any other form of advertising; a direct connection. No other form of advertising is at the finger tips of the target audience to provide instantaneous feedback to both the advertisers and the businesses or consumers being targeted. The advertisers can view statistics on click through rates and conversions. Likewise, the consumer or business that clicks on the ad can just as easily click the back button if they are not interested in it or like what they see.
While we're on the road to comparing advertising to marketing with pictures and images, we have not really addressed the body text and actual words in the web pages themselves. For example, having a call to action item at the end of an article, is simply a great place to advertise your business. You've set the groundwork for your product or service in a web page of your site, why waste the opportunity and not have a call to action item. Yes, this is a marketing concept, but it is also an advertising opportunity. Don't let it go to waste.
Set your business on fire, with an online presence that will produce more sales for your company. Contact Professional Web Services for a free Internet marketing report of your website.
Stop searching and get your B2B or B2C business found online now!Labels: Advertising
Name: Warholic
Home: San Ramon, California, United States
About Me: Jim said: Never settle for mediocrity. Life is about change, new growth, and making a difference in the lives around us. No matter what direction life takes us in our new thinking, always striving to do it to the best of our abilities is key to success. Actions speak louder than words. B2B, B2C, and C2C Internet marketing services, ethical SEO, search engine optimization, online advertising strategies, professional web site customizations, website branding solutions with Professional Web Services, marketing business solutions.
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